
Showing posts from June, 2024


 " Praise the Lord! Pra-i-i-i-se the Lord! Hallelujah. May the believers bow down their heads for us to pray." This single statement alone can help in identifying the kind of preacher you have at hand. Ghana is crawling with a lot of self-appointed preacher men and women lately who either set up loud speakers, carry them along or simply shout to deter  "sinners" from further sinning. African Street preaching photo source: facebook A close review of these preachers reveal they can be grouped into a few, excuse my language "species". And here they are; 1. THE BUSINESS PREACHERS These individuals mask their business operations as preaching. They will often term their request for money with beautiful words, "offering", "something to help the Lord", "something to assist God's work", "seed" and what have you. Those who operate by the streets always have a form of box for the "special offering". They choose de


Ghana is a land of freedom as backed by the country’s coat of arms which is “Freedom and Justice” , yet numerous unscrupulous individuals keep abusing the freedom while eluding the justice. The canker emerges from most religiously biased individuals who always seek the least opportunity to choke the throat of others with their beliefs. Just like adware in the family of malware, these individuals bypass legal regulations to display their intentions maliciously. The only people who are safe from these maniacs are those who do board commercial vehicles. Trotro in Ghana (2009) , usual name "face to face" photo source: The reality should be that wherever and whenever you board a commercial vehicle (“trotro”) in Ghana, you should feel comfortable, relaxed and journey in peace to your destination, buy off late, NO! not anymore in Ghana.  Though a regulation (REGULATION 116 OF L.I. 2180/2012) has been passed to prevent this from h


If it's all about pepper, most people do not really care about the types except cooks, chefs and people to whom food matters. Pepper is one of the key ingredients in our daily lives, without it, taste will lack hotness and nausea may set in. A lot of dishes cannot be prepared or taken without this key ingredient. Here we shall take a look at the most common types of pepper in Ghana and their hotness as well as the dishes they are used in. HOTNESS OF PEPPER IS MEASURED IN SCOVILLE HEAT UNITS The hotness of pepper is measured in Scoville Heat Units , which determines the hotness or spiciness of the pepper. In simple terms, the higher the figure, the hotter the pepper. The noted range is 0 - 2, 693,000 SHU (Scoville Heat Units) as at the time of this article. We shall only look into the types of pepper that are common in Ghana and the types of meals or dishes they are mostly used in. 1. BELL PEPPER With SHU of 0 , it's often used with freshly eaten veggies in Ghana, served with


Life is full of daily challenges and overcoming them is termed "living". Yet there are some key challenges that can be a little difficult to deal with. When we encounter such issues, we tend to look for solutions, and most of these solutions are are advertised as drugs and products, which at times never work at all or solve the problems we are facing. Below are some products that never function as described or advertised. 1. ANTI-SNORING DEVICE Snoring is a common problem that can cause disturbing circumstances among relatives, friends or acquaintances. There has been several attempts to relieve affected individuals without success with different approaches and methods. Then came the anti snoring devices with the promise of preventing snoring. This particular design fails to deliver on it's advertised promise.  Anti-snoring devices that are ineffective ALSO READ: WHAT TO CONSIDER BEFORE RENTING IN GHANA These particular type simply doesn't work in any way. Several re


A lot of marriages in Ghana tend to fail for so many reasons. It is devastating to go through the stress of getting married only to realize things are not working for you and then you have to find your way out. Some break ups and divorces in marriage are advisable while others too are questionable. For whatever the reason may be, here are a few of the notable motives for divorces in Ghana since the recent years.  1. SOME PASTORS, PROPHETS, "MEN OF GOD" ETC. Though several marriages are overseen and blessed by Pastors and others in such positions alike, most end up being the same reason why a lot of marriages are breaking up. From stories of negative visions about a partner to secretly having their way with some married women, Pastors and such men of religious positions cannot simply be left out from the root causes of divorces in Ghana. Married and unmarried women together are the most vulnerable when it comes to this particular issue. The primary reason for some of these wom


Stomach ulcer can be a real painful disorder. It is caused by a few factors including missing meals or going hungry for lengthy periods. I started experiencing symptoms from 2006 right after I completed SHS. This was as a result of my frequent meal-misses due to the fact that I either did not like the food being served and had no time to get an alternative or just decided to skip lunch or breakfast. Over time, I begin to feel pain instead of normal feeling of hunger. Within a year, it became worse and I had to get to the hospital only to be diagnosed with stomach ulcer. Although I was told by health professionals that stomach ulcer has no cure and can only be managed, now I see myself cured ! The information provided here is based on personal experience not from a third party or research.  THE COMMON PRESCRIPTIONS FOR STOMACH ULCER IN GHANA Most at times when the pain in my stomach re-occurs and I get to the nearest pharmacy or hospital, they usually prescribe these medicines for me: