Most people in Ghana and even native Ghanaians seem to take caution just at the mention of certain towns. Ashaiman seems to have been on top of that list until recently that Kasoa is beginning to gain fame with its high crime rate. 

Honestly it took a bit of effort and research to present the facts am about to lay bare in this article. I could not gather all information but this is enough for a curious mind who needs to understand the crime-geology of ASHAIMAN.
The name of the town Ashaiman, meaning "Town of Ashai", with "Ashai" being the founder of the town has several communities. Of all the communities, I will delve only into the suburbs of interest. The township is noted for its notoriety which can be traced to several factors but not limited to over population and low standard of living. 
There are several access routes to the town, on the Eastern side lies the Accra - Akosombo main road, to the west lies the N1 (motorway), Lashibi and Adjei Kojo link. The south stretch leads to Tema and the Northern stretch links to Lebanon,  Madina and Dodowa. At the center of the Town lies the legendary Traffic intersection which interconnects all the roads above.

Ashaiman Traffic
Ashaiman Traffic Light
source: Google (2021)


As stated earlier, Ashaiman is populous, it will be okay to say it is overcrowded, though it is shrouded with notoriety, it can be a fun place to be, albeit it you will have to play it safe. 
Just like any other town, there are nice and very disciplined people found everywhere just as equally negative characters. 
It's an easy town to stay in, from an economic point of view such that the standard of living is quite low, prices of food stuff and commodities are cheaper compared to neighboring Tema. Tema is a noted town but most of its occupants often buy from the Ashaiman market due to remarkable price differences. This can also be contributed to the fact that most local farmers and traders from Ningo to Ada, Doryumu to Dodowa among others, prefer to sell their produce and goods in Ashaiman. Mondays and Thursdays are the main market days hence the town usually gets extremely busy on these days.


For everything that you deem impossible, is very very possible in Ashaiman. Funny people and situations beyond comprehension are normal there, we have ever witnessed a driver extending his head in traffic from his vehicle shouting "piii piii piii" with his mouth for the vehicle ahead to acknowledge his presence and make space for him to drive by, why? THE VEHICLE HE WAS DRIVING HAS NO HORN !!


If you are new to Ashaiman, you must really play it safe because it's easy for the crooks and thugs who usually ply the streets to identify a stranger. The legendary "Ashaiman Traffic" which is about 100m from the Divisional Police Station is crowded by street hawkers and mini shoe stalls. 

TIP 1 - ASHAIMAN TRAFFIC: From the "Traffic Light"  to the main station stretch, it is advisable to only buy from the shops. You can purchase a used, brand new dress or T-shirt though, but take caution when buying phones and shoes. There are several bad characters among the shoe sellers who operate the stalls located right at the traffic light. It is a RED ZONE for town folks. They will attempt to outsmart you after making a purchase, a handful of pals had dozens of experiences there!! Know where to buy your products, some are syndicates who may want to prey on you if they see you to be an easy-target. Read this to understand how some of these crook sellers operate;

TIP 2 - CAREFUL MOVEMENT: When walking or cruising in Ashaiman township, extreme care must be taken because it won't be like any town you have ever visited. The caliber of road users aside ordinary commuters can overwhelm you. You will encounter Wheel barrow-potters, Tricycles, Motorcycles(in their hundreds), Bicycles, Beggars on homemade-skateboards and all classes of vehicles both light duty and heavy duty among others. You must know how to walk, ride or cruise due to the density of people and their awkward regard to road regulations. There's a saying that "ASHAIMAN DWELLERS FEAR RAIN MORE THAN CARS" This is so because the disregard for traffic rules is optimum, you will often see questionable scenarios like a bicycle rider asking a vehicle driver to move aside for him to ride on! Yes you read that perfectly right!

TIP 3-BE VIGILANT: Blend in. When in Ashaiman, avoid or limit peering at things, especially surprising and questionable things. You can easily be spotted and targeted. The challenge is you will surely see a ton of surprising things! On a more serious note, when walking, kindly keep your bag and valuables in front. When using a backpack, make sure it contains unimportant stuff. Your wallet and handbag must always be in front. Legendary pickpockets are faster and smarter in Ashaiman, especially when in a crowded area like the market.

TIP 3-RESPECT THE DARK!: Just as you take night fall serious everywhere, avoid dark corners in Ashaiman especially if you are new to the environment. From 6pm, from dusk to dawn, there are some noted "no-go" areas for strangers. Never walk alone in the evening if you are new in some of the areas. Most of the criminals become very active during the night as usual. A late friend once told me of a story where he stabbed an alleged robber with a pen when he mistakenly took a wrong turn around the main lorry station in the night around 8pm during a "dumsor" session . He said, a robbery was attempted on him. He told me he has to run for his life when the criminal started shouting for back up from his accomplices nearby. Yes, you read that right!


Although we hear the scary stories, honestly, these stories mostly come from a few red zones, most of Ashaiman is safer than some other praised communities. Here is a list of some safe communities: 
1. Middle East 
2. Official Town 
3. Lebanon (most parts) 
4. Jericho (most parts)
5. Newtown (Some parts)

NB: Places like Atadeka, New York, Washington, Katamanso, Christian Village, Adjei-Kojo, Santeo etc. because such vicinities are technically not part of ASHMA (Ashaiman Municipal Assembly) but rather under Kpone-Katamaso Municipal Assembly or Tema Municipal Assembly.


Curious enough to find out the interesting reason some vicinities were named as such, so we made some research and the discovered result was something interesting. We were told that after the second World War, our soldiers (Ghanaians) who fought needed a place to stay and for that the reason, the government at the time allocated certain areas to these soldiers hence the naming. Jericho was for the post WWII soldiers who went to Jericho, Lebanon for those who fought in Lebanon, Middle East to those who fought in Middle East and Official Town for the Officers.
Disclaimer: I am still seeking more information on this issue to ascertain its authenticity.


Ying-yang theory makes life. There are extremely good people in these areas but a lot of bad characters choose to make it their home too.

1. 18 (The well known community of brothels situated and stretching behind the District Police Station. You know what to expect in brothels, its a ground for all manner of people, good people and a lot of bad people. At times you can see service men in their uniforms coming out of those corners, its either they are there on mission or not! for that no one knows for sure. The simple rule is do not walk that lane or go through that slum after 6pm if you have no business there! You only go there at your own risk. The location borders the MAIN TRAFFIC LIGHT at the center and the Ashaiman Government School at the back. The local folks call the vicinity EIGHTEEN!

2. ASENSU BAR (Located behind the night market), it borders Roman Down, Jericho and Valco Flats. Per observation, this vicinity is one of the no-go areas in Ashaiman,  attempted renting there once for a reason but a good Samaritan stepped out of his lane to tell us boldly that "my brothers, this area is not suitable for you, take my advice and go look for another place". The neighborhood is slummy, the lanes between some of the buildings are so close that two adults cannot walk side-by-side through, you will have to wait your turn for one person to go through first. Bicycles cannot access let alone cars, the crime rate is very high and strangers and people who don't fit in (if you look gentle enough or weak in appearance) are easily targeted. Its a no-go zone if you have no business there, day or night, you have to take precaution while in that vicinity. Part of it is close to the main gutter that borders Jericho which is noted for serious flooding.

3. ROMAN DOWN. This vicinity bothers Asensu Bar and by far, we observed a number of crimes there in 2017-2019 while staying there. I don't know about its current situation but I stayed close to the Polyclinic and I can say per my experience, I hear warning shots at least twice in a week usually around 1-2 am most at times. Thieves always run behind my window barefooted in the night etc. The vicinity is densely populated with compound houses, public toilet facilities etc. Avoid using corner lanes after 10pm in this area. 

4. MAIN STATION TO KUFFOR STATION STRETCH This is a fairly recent area that has been added to the list of RED ZONES due to the number of banks on the stretch. The criminals usually hang around keeping an eye on the ATMs along the highway searching for victims. Some other forms of attack may be a random thug, sensing you out will start shouting "are you not the one dating my girlfriend?" Once you give him attention, a lot more of his accomplices will join in and launch a deliberate attack and rob you in the process. They use a similar approach to target victims with the "manhood-scare" tactic.

5. I SHALL RETURN The name itself should be  a warning! Its usually a quiet centered around a public toilet facility with some weird characters during the day but do not go playing around that area in the night. It neighbors the main lorry station.

6. ZENU DAMSITE This area is noted for burglary and armed robbery paa! A friend's  room has been swept clean by burglars in her absence and another was robbed on the second day after renting there. Usually they operate from the main ghettos located in the town. There was one instance in 2015 where we had to use a lady to track down one criminal who swept a friends room clean of laptops and phones. 

7. MAIN MARKET There are a few places behind the market that turns murky and very unstable after nightfall. At all cost you must play it very safe when in Ashaiman especially in the evening.

8. TULAKU A trading center where livestock are usually sold, it stood out to be one of the most notorious areas a while back. It is now safer compared to a few years back. The occupants are mostly good but some criminals end up advertising stolen goods there also. Yet as said earlier, it now safer than it used to be, just don't go roaming around there in the night without a reason!

Stay away from most public toilets in Ashaiman. If in town, visit the one located within the main lorry station for your own safety. 

Crime can be committed anywhere and it doesn't mean the vicinities indicated to be safe are 100% crime-proof. In Ashaiman there are certain social rules you have to follow to avoid being targeted but that will be discussed later. There are very good friends of mine who grew up in Ashaiman and honestly I love the town but you have to understand the dynamics of playing it safe there.

10. ASHAIMAN GOVERNMENT SCHOOL (opposite the main Market)
This has been a safe haven for both junkies and petty criminals, its a no-go area once school is out of session. Under no circumstance should you attempt cutting across that lane in the evening. There was a time when the premises is locked during non-school hours, I cannot tell if the situation is better now.

11. CHINA MALL This is another new area where criminals scout usually in the night searching for potential targets. There has been few instances where Bolt and Uber drivers have been attacked 


1. Ashaiman in heavily populated 
2. Most areas flood easily with the littlest down pour
3. The traffic situation can be compared to "Okaishie Drug Lane" (Accra central) during a festive season
4. Staying out late or using corners in the night is never advisable
5. You must always be on guard against anything 
6. BOLT, UBER, YANGO drivers etc do not like taking orders to Ashaiman, they will say it's because of the bad road networks there but, no, they have their reasons.


Most of the the criminals in Ashaiman are networked and hardly operate in solo. Funny enough, the petty traders, shop owners and market women know most of these criminals and junkies, hence they always alert when they spot them. For this reason, the criminals prefer strangers and people they see to be weak or easy- target. If you appear tough to tackle, they may come in numbers at you. 
Ashaiman prefers quick mob justice to the legal ways of handling criminals. If caught red handed, losing your life can be an expectation if they deem it the right thing to do. The crowd will man-handle you and may lead to serious precautions.
For this reason, most of the criminals prefer to operate at night. You will be lucky as criminal to be sent to the Police Station when caught, there are rare instances where thieves run to the police station to seek refuge from mobs.  

As with the truth, we have been in neighborhoods that we felt very unsafe compared to Ashaiman. These observations were based on general atmospheric mood, the body language of most people, their facial expressions, tone of voice and general dressing code. Honestly I feel very unsafe in certain areas of Teshie (somewhere down Ravico area) and Nungua compared to some of the most cautious vicinities in Ashaiman, yet Ashaiman made its name long ago in time. The Ashaiman as known earlier is no more what it used to be, most crimes are perpetrated in the night, dawn and secluded locations due to the frequency of mob justice. 

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By: the cure



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