In Ghana, you will see and meet different types of women, here are the major types of women based on their general characteristics. This information is based on an informal research and from individual view point of both married men and bachelors. Here I present to you the types of women in Ghana.


These are the types of women all men dream to spend their life with but in reality, there isn’t such women just as there isn't such a man. But these are women perceived to be financially stable (not considering the source of finances though). They are limited and mostly born into already wealthy families. These types of women live by standard and unless a situation comes up or fate deems you to meet one, it will be quite challenging under normal circumstance to get in touch with one. They hardly step out in public due to their strict routines; go to work, get back home, take a shower, take dinner, sleep, visit the golf-club over the weekend or the gym, get to church and get back home. You will hardly see such women in our local markets since they usually have house helps. The only chance they can be seen in public is during church services or special social events. I know one such name of woman just appeared in your mind! They may appear as sugar-mummies or successfully married women, they don't care about your money, all they need is care and love.


source: ai image service


We all know the life of the REAL CELEBRITIES; it can be quite complex. With the popularity of social media nowadays most women are becoming indoor celebs (the trying hard). These types of women are by far the common. With access to a smart phone and some data, you will come across countless trying to grab your attention. With several between 18 – 25, you will surely see a few of the older generation too doing things there. They see their beauty as a form of bait. These women may see you as their "cash-out" machines.

source: ai image service


The Overdosed Religious Women are very frequent in churches. They come from strict religious homes and do not tolerate “nonsense”. They are brought up in a specific way and that’s all they know; they hardly get compromised. Their lives are usually determined and totally controlled by their parent(s) or guardian(s). They hardly miss any religious activity within their beliefs and are very rigid in their decisions, you can easily identify them by their dressing or by briefly engaging them in a conversation. These women hardly ask men for money from men but usually end up facing marital issues in the long term if they don't find a man who syncs with them.

source: ai image service


They are the most understanding women. They gained a lot of experience from life (their past relationship and social connections), they may already be a mother to one or more children. Mostly they have crossed the life of adventure and are willing to settle down. Due to this they can easily become compromised and may be stuck to a particular negative lifestyle which a man may discover at a later period! Though they are ready but never make the mistake of dating one casually, it can be hazardous, they can go to the extreme far if their real expectations aren’t met at the end of the day. The reason is somewhere deep in their minds, they feel they have used and dumped on several occasions so they are ever ready to revenge. Be with one if you really have the intention of being with her! These women will hardly ever ask for money.

 source: ai image service


Here are the women who are doing all they can in the name of existence to survive. Due to their exposure to harsh life, they don’t trust men easily. Some are hookers, some are addicts and a small margin are genuine quality women who are striving for the best in life. Women who hawk fruits and ice water on our roads are in this group. They may be orphans or people who have met some kind of bad luck in life. For the group of hookers and addicts, most need some form of psychological and financial aid to escape their current predicament. As a result of their harsh reality, most women in this group care about nothing in life but their survival. They will state their financial issues at the beginning of accepting you so you become aware, they can spend cash fast if you meet the wrong one.


source: ai image service


In this group, you will find the over disciplined women, unfortunately they may also turn up to be disrespectful in their comments. Women in this category are mostly financial stable and may end up controlling men in their relationship or marriage. They will do whatever it takes to be at the very of education. It could be from a very rigid upbringing. Unfortunately, they find it rather challenging to marry or “pair-up” successfully. They may also try to be at the top of careers or education. You can meet them in churches, offices and events. They don't care about money much but they may end criticizing your gifts secretly.

source: ai image service



Women in this group are common but hard to identify, you will only get to know about them when a dire situation crops up. They appear to be normal but after closer observation, you will begin to realize their true nature and shortcomings. Below is an interview we had with one a few years back.

Us: Given this scenario that your husband isn’t home, you have to attend a church service since you are leader and suddenly your baby has fallen sick, provided his temperature is rising fast, what will you do?

Her: I think the best thing is to take my baby to church for our pastor to pray for him

Us: How about if its medicinal and not spiritual?

Her: Surely the church because I know God is greater than everything!

 Her answer points to several things that might have gone wrong during her childhood or upbringing. Who knows, maybe some psychological issues. If you are fast enough, you can easily identify them through conversation. They can be very vulnerable and also end up being controlled by their parents, pastors, friends etc. completely when they get married. You can find them everywhere especially in town and villages. These women are usually satisfied with what you will give them when they are not under any influence from anybody.

source: ai image service


The young ladies usually between 18 -25 years who are now exploring their opportunities in life and are not ready to marry. Unfortunately, they make up most of the women population. Most are highly unstable and will do as the heart pleases rather than what their mind tells them. You can meet these ladies in schools, churches and offices. They mostly see men as their cash machine, since they are not totally independent, they will depend on you. From Mobile phone airtime to Menstrual Pad, you are likely to provide all.

source: ai image service


These types of women are just available, she won't turn down your proposal but after being with her for sometime, you will begin to notice she's available to other men just as you! She will always have a reason why she has some male friends and other types of friends as well. These women are simply in their own worlds and will just not mind anything at all. Don't expect them to compromise. They can range from apprentices to people who see themselves attractive. They can be found everywhere. They are real money "spenders".  

source: ai image service


As termed, these are special types of women who belong to secret cults. They can range from hookers to sugar mummies. There has been stories of these women using sperms of men in doing rituals for money. They are mostly rich and are picky about men. Due to their beauty, men easily fall for them. These women are not easy to come by even with the danger they pose. One can only meet them through special introductions or night clubs. They only go the men they see what they want in. The result can be short term enjoyment and finance over long term illness, lunacy or worse case, death! 

Rich occultic women in Ghana
Source: AI


There simply isn't anything like a perfect partner, we all have our flaws equally. The best woman is the woman whose flaws you can tolerate or the woman who is in sync with your personalities and expectations. It will be difficult to get someone like that but if you can pair up with a woman understandably, then you are good to go.

For the groups indicated above, they are general observed characteristics, this does not represent the general behavioral pattern of women. These are only common ways most women present themselves to men in Ghana. There are more detailed red flags in another articled I entitled "Indicators you should not ignore when dating and preparing for marriage in Ghana"

Author: "the cure"


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